Tips to Spread the Revolution

It’s important that we all come together now and skill share.  I know a thing or two about marketing, so here are some tips on how to make sure your message reaches as many Facebook users as possible:

1. Ask your friends to LIKE and ATTEND events, even if they can’t go.  This way, their friends will be more likely to see the event on their timelines.

2. Ask your friends to COMMENT on posts where the word needs to be spread, even if they can’t contribute ideas.  Posts with lots of COMMENTS get more reach than posts with lots of LIKES.

3. LIKE and COMMENT on your own posts.  Facebook considers this engagement and rewards it accordingly.

4. SHARING POSTS is better than copy/pasting if it’s important to keep the original author attached to the post. If you want to get a message out quickly, COPY/PASTE. Just be sure to always credit the original source. 

5. Posts with VIDEO tend to get more reach than posts with LINKS.  Facebook likes posts that keep users on Facebook.

6. Posts in GROUPS tend to get the most reach.

7. If you have a BUSINESS page, shell out the $5 to boost it, but be sure to TARGET YOUR AUDIENCE to make the most out of your money.

8. Think about WHEN you post. Weekdays from 2pm – 5pm tend to be the best times.  Avoid late nights, Sundays, and Mondays, if you can.

9. Don’t forget to make important posts PUBLIC.

10. Tagging large numbers of specific people in posts is a good way to reach specific demographics. But don’t spam people.  Only tag people who you know will be interested.  (FYI: you CAN search by city on Facebook, but the tool isn’t great.  So, it’s a good idea to keep a Google Doc listing names of key people that live in your city.)

11.  If you POST too often, your message gets diluted.  Three well-scheduled posts per day is the best way to go.  10am, 3pm, 5pm, for example.

12. Nothing is private on Facebook, that doesn’t mean it’s not a great organizing tool, just be aware of its limitations and risks.