Choosing to Blame Sex Workers for Patriarchy Is the Most Ridiculous Thing I’ve Ever Fucking Read

I’ve been in sex work for six years, and the rhetoric of self-identified feminists who haven’t participated in actual sex work never ceases to amaze me.

People who are not sex workers can’t decide whether they want us to be sex trafficking victims or the foundation of patriarchy. They tend to trip over themselves while trying to uphold these binary understandings of who sex workers are. Using the gender of our customers to erase our genders is a whorephobic practice that wouldn’t be applied in any other profession.

Choosing to blame sex workers for patriarchy is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever fucking read.

The way they think sex work happens is so fucking out of touch, usually due to their class position which has provided enough comfort for them. It’s disgustingly entitled.

This is why institutional education won’t save us. It doesn’t matter what information is given to you when you’re committed to misunderstanding and only seek to confirm your personal beliefs through knowledge.

To hear more from Mia, follow her on Facebook at @miamonchichi. You can also donate to support her work here.