I’ve Learned Who My Adversaries Are and It Most Certainly Is Not People of Color, Immigrants, or the Poor

Yes, all lives matter. Still, the fact remains that Black and Brown lives matter less than white lives in our society. The reason there is no “White Lives Matter” movement is because whites enjoy privileges that POC do not. To deny this, or try to take the wind out of the sails of the Black […]

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One Can Fight the Flu and Be Done With It, Whereas Our Society Is Constantly Exposed to Toxic White Supremacist Concepts

When I talk about race and whiteness, people often say I must be a “self-hating white person” and that I shouldn’t let “white guilt” bring race into my life–or at the very least, into my conversations with them. Here’s the thing: If I get exposed to the flu, that’s not my fault. But once I […]

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So, Can We Implement Universal Basic Income Now?

There was a story on the New York Times’s “The Daily” podcast about taxi drivers committing suicide because of the depreciation of their medallions. Every death is tragic, suicide or otherwise, and it’s injurious to human dignity that we place people in such precarious positions that suicide seems an appropriate response to monetary woes. But […]

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We Need to Do More to Hold “Woke” Men Like Junot Díaz Accountable

When I heard about the allegations against Junot Díaz I was heartbroken, but not surprised. Díaz’ work is rife with misogyny—which should’ve rung alarm bells for all of us—and a while back when he spoke at my school, I witnessed behavior eerily similar to that described by Carmen Maria Machado. (One of my classmates tried […]

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